Friday, September 4, 2009

I thought I knew... but I really don't

Ok so I feel that if I didn’t do this now, then it wouldn’t have gotten done all weekend. So here I sit at home at five in the afternoon and I’m doing this because if I don’t do it now, it won’t happen. So I’m going to attempt to compare Genesis one and two.
The first thing that stands out to me in the first chapter is how highly God speaks. He speaks as if he knows what is going to happen no matter what. I mean its God; yes he will know what is going to happen. He is very descriptive in explaining what is going on with the creation. Creation to me is very intense. How someone can be bam and there it is. And God says it was good. Well would God create something that wasn’t good? Then God goes and creates humankind in his image? What does in his image mean? Does it mean that God looks like us? Does God have ten fingers and ten toes just like me? Then when God blesses Adam and Eve it kind of sounds like a pep speech. Be fruitful and multiply. Like after all that I have done he has to explain what Adam and Eve have to do in the world that he created for them. Its almost sounding like I’ll be watching you kind of thing, so don’t mess up. Throughout the whole first chapter it goes then God said, then God said. What would of happened when God saw what he had created and said, shit I didn’t want that. Could he take away what he had just made? But that is going against what he wants. So probably not. Just a thought. I don’t know seems like God is trying to be all high and mighty in the first chapter.
But then we get to chapter two. What do you know another creation story. There are a lot of accounts of multiple stories in the bible of the same story. But all is told a little bit differently. In the second chapter of Genesis creation is still going on, but not as highly as it had been in the previous chapter. When I read it, I understood it. I was put into words that I could understand. Not trying to be all highly. To me it is straight to the point. No miss mash of anything. It is explained in a way that someone who have never read the bible before can understand it. I personally like the second chapter story verses the first one.
This summer I worked as a councilor at a bible camp. And this was one of the stories for the day that we would have bible study with. With the kids we would study this story and study it from a religious stand point. Every week when a new set of kids would come to camp I would get to re-teach myself while teaching them. So I have had a lot of experience with this story. And I still after being a bible thumper all summer and trying to study this story I have a hard time with story. To me there are so many loose ends that aren’t clarified. I guess the biggest question for me would be why?
So this weekend my goal is to read these two chapters over and over and try and make some sense of what God is saying or trying to say. More to come later… again I have some more thinking to do! Seems like that is all I do with this class. But that is what its intention to do.

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