Monday, September 14, 2009

Door Slams Part 2

As I was in church the other day, we sang Psalm 51. And I was so excited because here is what we are kind of studying in Lit 240, and here it is right in front of my face. So my ceriousity got the best of me, so when I got home from church I looked up the whole Psalm. And to my surprise only two verses make up the song. Well I asked myself how can two verses make up a whole song. Why didn’t the song writer put the whole Psalm into the song. To me the song isn’t worth it if the whole thing isn’t in it. why isn’t the whole song a Psalm. Just the two verses that are most important. But isn’t the whole thing important? Here I feel God is again Slamming doors in our face, saying yes the bible has good stuff in it, but not all of it is great stuff, and I only want the good stuff published. Only the good stuff? How can only the good stuff make it into a song?
The whole Psalm basically says clean and rid me of my sins. How can God clean and rid us of our sins if all we know is the good stuff, and not the bad stuff. It just seems to me that God has cheeped us out of a deal. That if we don’t hide anything from God, he won’t hide anything from us. well news flash for Lisette. He has hidden the stuff that really means something. Its like he is giving us what we want to see, not what we need to see. And its up to us to go look for the goods, and when we do find them we are disappointed. And mad at how he just hid that stuff from me. That is how I felt when I really read and internalized the Psalm. (Door Slam). This is a beautiful Psalm I think, but wow there is a big door slam in it. it feels like the writer of this Psalm is trying to find some good in this life, and asking God to help them through whatever it may be they are going through. But no, God just Slams the door. Which sucks.
God is full of Door Slams throughout the bible. But so are we. When we find out something that we don’t wanna hear. We slam the door. Because it is the easiest thing to do at the moment. But then that door slam comes back to haunt us. telling us that the door slam was not necessary. But who knows at the time just like you God the door slam was necessary. (SLAM!) =D

1 comment:

  1. But wasn't it man who wrote the song you sang in church? The psalm in the Bible (God's Word) has the full version with all "the good stuff", then man slimmed it down so that it was short, sweet, and to the point. God gave us the material and man made it a nice beat to hum to that holds some truth but not all of it. So in this instance, God left the door wide open, and a screen on it? - I'm not very good with all these metaphors when they start to get too complicated. :)
