Sunday, December 6, 2009

The New and Inproved Kindle

We have talked about the new “Kindle” a lot lately. And I was talking to my mom on the phone the other day, and she had asked me if I watched the Colbert Report the other night. Because he had a guest on there talking about the new Kindle. My parents have an older friend who has one. and he loves it, he thinks it’s the bee’s knees, and that everyone should have one. he likes it for the larger print that it has. Since he is older he can’t see as well. so the large print helps him for not having to carry around three different pairs of glasses to read a book.

But my mom had asked me my opinion on this Kindle thing. but I’m not sold on it. I don’t think it’s the nest greatest thing since sliced bread. Being an English Education major, I think books are important for life. Books open so many doors. I’m the kind of person that I have to have a physical tangible thing in my hands to believe. And yes the Kindle is tangible, but its not the same as a book.

The Kindle is a piece of technology. To me my books are my prized possessions. On my favorite books you can see that the cover is worn down. And I have highlighted pages that I think are great. I’ve circled my favorite quotes. I have written in the margins with questions, ideas, and anything else that pertains to the text. I love giving my books to my friends to barrow, and then they look at it and know that it is a good book, because I have written in it. and I have had it all this time. I love looking and other peoples book collections at their house. I’ve seen houses (much like my own house) where they have book shelves to the ceiling full of books. Some books that many people have are from a different state, or country. And it is cool to compare the difference between American books, verses foreign books. Books have this tangible physical evidence of love, heartbreak, and generations. My mom has books that were her grandmothers books. And you can see the love and wear and tear on these books. They are so old yet so new at the same time.

With the Kindle you can’t see these marks on the book. The Kindle can hold up to 1,500 books. Now that is a lot of books. Along with The Colbert Report this Native American named Sherman Alexie was on there talking about his new books. And I’ve read two others of his books, and I’ve seen the movie that he has made. They are all fantastic. And I recommend them as a fun read. He said that he will not allow his new book to be available on the Kindle. He says that it will take away from the aspect of book signings. Also that it takes away from the publishing companies. Because it will go directly to the Kindle. They won’t have hard copy of books to publish and make money off of. And it will become like the music industry now. How people will go and pirate books off line and get them on their Kindle. Over all Sherman Alexie made a good point about Kindles.

It amazes me sometimes how far our technology really have come. But is the Kindle gone to far? Will people really be willing to spend $259 on something that they may never use? Why not save that money and buy a new outfit, or dinner for the family. To me it doesn’t seem like a item that I will be investing my poor college student fund into.

When I was at bible thumper camp this summer, this little ten year old boy would rather sit and read his book, then to swim, or play with his friends. A ten year old interested in books. Who would of thought. Books open the doors to so many things. they let our imaginations wonder. They allow us to have fantasies, and to become a kid again in our mind. They lead us to adventure that no one would of ever imagined. I think that the Kindle will take away the thrill of reading a book.

The link is from the Colbert Report! Check it out! Its pretty good!

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