Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gossip Girl

Background: So yes I am 19 years old. But sometimes I act like I’m about 12. All throughout high school I worked in a daycare that had babies all the way to 5th graders. So I got my share of screaming whining kids. And sometimes I act like them without knowing it. I find it kind of funny sometimes. (haha as I laugh at all the funny things I’ve done, while acting like a two year old.) Like for example I was in Walmart one night with my brother, and he wanted to hang out with his girl friend. But I wanted to chill with him because I never get to see him. And in the middle of Walmart I started throwing a fit. I screamed and acted like I was going to cry because my brother wanted to chill with his girlfriend instead of me. He eventually walked away from me because we were getting looks from people and ended up chilling with me. Haha it was a pretty funny moment. So I may be 19 but I can act like a dam good two year old.

Which brings me to my next point. I have no drama in my life. So I get it from TV shows. It a down fall that I have. I love to watch MTV all the time, some of my favorite shows include Gossip Girl, Grey’s Anatomy, CSI, and my most recent is Glee. (seeing how I’m a band geek too. And its kind of a band geek-ish show) many more are to include but these are at the top of my list. And if fills up my time very nicely.

For Realsies: As I was watching Gossip Girl last Monday I wasn’t even ten minutes into the show, the two characters are talking about college. (that’s legit cause I’m in college too!) and the girl was talking about the classes that there are to take there, and New York University, and she was rambling off some classes, and BIBLE AS LITERATURE was a class. As I was like what? I yelled shut the front door! Something I tend to yell all the time. Shut the Front Door! She wants to take Bible as Lit? well girl you are now my new best friend cause I’m in that class now. And I was thinking to myself girl I can tell you who a good teacher is. Haha Professor Michael Sexson. Cause I have him, and I have to blog and read hard core for his class. Girl you will fit in perfectly with your urban style, and your curiosity for classes like Bible as Literature. Go figure. Who would of known that the writers of Gossip Girl would want to put a Bible as Literature in their screen play. And Gossip Girl no less, that a lot of teen age girls probably watch. Love it!

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